Thursday 18 February 2010

Question 1

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Generic conventions of Horror films are shown as gory and low budget. When watching the horror film that we created, I feel that we have filled the conventions shown in horror films. Our film can go into different sub-genres such as Supernatural Horror Film and Psychological horror. We set our film late at night because night is stereotyped as being forbidding and mysterious. We also set the action in an empty field that makes the audience think they are lost or they have no escape. In our film we make the camera come close the actor’s face so the audience can see the emotions on his face.

When we were planning to create our film we wanted to keep the same type of title sequence that is shown in horror films. We wanted our institute logo to be shown first, followed by the director and co director titles. After this, the actor’s names appear.

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