Thursday 18 February 2010

Question 2

Narration -

When planning to create our film, we looked into the representation that is shown in horror films. We gathered this information from doing a target audience profile that showed who the film is aimed at. We both started by looking at what gender the film would be aimed at and discovered that males watch more horror films than women. However, when researching online I found that there is, more recently, an increase of women watching horror films who enjoy the thrills and excitement.

In horror films males are normally portrayed as being of strong character and not being scared. However, in our film opening, we see the opposite of this. We chose a male actor for the opening scene of our horror film because by showing the male character scared, running and ultimately dying in this sequence, we hope the audience will feel that there is no hope of the other characters who appear later in the story.

We aimed our film at the age group 15 – 21. From our research we discovered that this age group watch horror films as they enjoy the thrills and excitement. However, we could not make our film too gory, as this would change the censorship category, making it an 18 and therefore we would exclude some of our audience who would be in the 15-18 year old age group.

Our film is viewed from the eyes of both the protagonist and the antagonist. The beginning of the opening shot is viewed from the protagonist’s point of view. This enables the audience to pick up on the fear and isolation he is feeling. His expression and body language give the impression that he is being chased …but by whom? Some parts of the opening scene are shot as though the viewer were the protagonist. For example, when he sees the body in the trees. The point of view changes towards the end of the scene, when the audience takes on the role of the protagonist. This gives the audience the feeling of both good and evil.

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